Film stimulates children’s understanding of diverse topics, language, visual storytelling and digital skills – even at a very young age. The activities in the Preschool App and Website (Børnebiffen i Dagtilbud) relate to the learning curriculum, the national educational plans, which in Denmark consists of six themes: Personal Development; Social Development; Communication and Language; Body, Senses and Movement; Nature, Outdoor and Science; Culture, Aesthetics and Community.
It is a platform for collaboration, play and experience through film, images and sound. The website and the app are simple to use and can seamlessly be inserted into the busy day-to-day life in institutions. The website can be found at Danish Film Institutes Website, and the app for Ipads is available at the App Store – both are free to use through an institution login.
The educational aim is to support the youngest children in becoming active, curious and critical users and creators of film and media. Link to the the Danish website: Read more here.
As part of the European program, Film Education - From Framework to Impact (2019-2021), we have co-produced 'Film Education: A User’s Guide', which in one of its sections addresses film education for preschoolers. Read more here.