Henrik Bo Nielsen – new CEO of the Danish Film Institute

The Board of Directors of the Danish Film Institute has appointed Henrik Bo Nielsen to be the DFI’s new Chief Executive as of 1 August 2007. Henrik Bo Nielsen, 46, has been affiliated with the daily newspaper "Information" since 1991, and today is Chief Executive. He carried out an extensive financial, organisational and editorial restructuring of "Information", including the establishment of the newspaper's website and new revenue-generating business areas.

In their decision, a unanimous board of directors emphasizes Henrik Bo Nielsen's effectiveness and, not least, his wide experience in managing creative environments and developing new business areas in a highly competitive media market.

In connection with his appointment, Henrik Bo Nielsen says: “Few challenges can match "Information", but the Film Institute looks like one of them. The task of sustaining and expanding the runaway success of Danish films in recent years, while taking over a post that has been held with such authority in the past, calls for a certain humility. I am convinced that the values and experience that I built up over the years at "Information", along with my engagement, will lend the Film Institute drive and determination.”

Morten Hesseldahl, Chairman of the DFI, says: “It wasn’t essential to find a new Chief Executive outside the industry, but in this case, I think it’s a big plus. Coming from a creative, turbulent, hard-pressed newspaper industry, and considering his strategic overview, Henrik Bo Nielsen will give the film industry and the Film Institute new visions and new vitality. The board has found a Chief Executive with an open communication and management style that will strengthen cooperation internally at the Film Institute and in regard to the industry, Danish arts and culture, and the political system.”

For further information, contact:Henrik Bo Nielsen, mobile (+45) 4034 9996Morten Hesseldahl, mobile (+45) 2424 1669