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Actress award to Holy Spider in Cannes
28. maj 2022 | AWARD. Ali Abbasi's 'Holy Spider' was honoured at the Cannes Festival with the Best Actress award to Zar Amir Ebrahimi. Winner of the Palme d'Or is Ruben Östlund's Swedish-Danish 'Triangle of Sadness'.
Ali Abbasi knows no bounds
16. maj 2022 | INTERVIEW. A Danish pregnancy horror flick, a Swedish troll romance and a Farsi-language serial killer thriller. Ali Abbasi sees no reason to limit himself to one culture, one language or one genre. The…
Danish films in Cannes 2022
CANNES. Find all the information you need about Danish films, co-productions and filmmakers at the Cannes Festival 2022, running 17-28 May.
Holy Spider and Godland in Cannes Competition
04. maj 2022 | CANNES. Ali Abbasi's 'Holy Spider' is part of the main Competition, while Hlynur Pálmason's 'Godland' is selected for Un Certain Regard. Get the full list of Danish films and co-productions taking part in…