

John Whitesell, USA, 2012

104 min.U/SpillefilmFamiliefilm

When Brian, a hopelessly uncoordinated young fan magically switches talents with his hero, Kevin Durant, he becomes the star of his high school team...while Kevin Durant suddenly cant make a shot to save his life. But with the playoffs approaching, Brian learns that being a true winner involves working hard at your own game, and he tries to make things right in time to prevent a catastrophic end to his heros season.
Grundoplysninger Credits
Original titel Thunderstruck
Dansk titel Thunderstruck
Instruktør John Whitesell
Produktionsland USA
Dansk distribution Warner Bros. Entertainment Danmark ApS
Aldersgrænse Frarådes børn under 7 år
Vurdering Se Medierådets vurdering
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Produktionsselskab Warner Bros.
Dansk distribution Warner Bros. Entertainment Danmark ApS


Instruktion John Whitesell

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