
Eaten Horizons

Wilhelm Freddie, Jørgen Roos, Denmark, 1950

4 min.DK/Experimental

After many attempts in the field of experimental films which date back to 1942 and Jørgen Roos' co-operation with Albert Mertz - FLUGTEN (Escape) and other films - he started his co-operation with the painter Wilhelm Freddie in 1949. Together they made two surrealistic films in the style of Dali or Bunuel, DET DEFINITIVE AFSLAG PÅ ANMODNINGEN OM ET KYS (The Definitive Refusal on the Desire of a Kiss), 1949 and SPISTE HORISONTER (Eaten Horizons), 1950. In SPISTE HORISONTER two men, using the backside of a nude woman as their table, eat a lot of bread, then cut a hole in the woman's body and eat her insides.
Basic information Credits
Original title Spiste horisonter
Danish title Spiste horisonter
International titles Les horizons mangés
Director Wilhelm Freddie, Jørgen Roos
Director of Photography Jørgen Roos
Editor Wilhelm Freddie
Appearance Agnete Christensen, Inger Brenna, Finn Poulsen, Valdemar Lauritzen
Production country Denmark
Domestic distribution Statens Filmcentral
Technical info 35 mm, 1,37:1 Academy, Black/white, Sound
Danish theatrical release 15.09.1982
Cinemas Delta
Danish rating Children under 16 not admitted
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Production company Cimbria Film
Domestic distribution Statens Filmcentral


Direction Wilhelm Freddie
Direction Jørgen Roos


Cinematography Jørgen Roos


Editing Wilhelm Freddie


Kvinden Agnete Christensen
Appearance Inger Brenna
Appearance Finn Poulsen
Appearance Valdemar Lauritzen

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