
Gå på vatten

Lars Westman, Fredrik Gertten, Sweden, 2000

78 min.DK/Documentary

A film about people who are building a bridge. A film about Danes and Swedes. A film about people and their dreams. The bridge over Øresund is one of Scandinavia¿s most important building constructions. The film follows the bridge's growth over the course of five intense years and the movements of some few of the thousands of people who have been engaged in the work.
Basic information Credits
Original title Gå på vatten
Danish title Gå på vandet
Keywords Bridge construction, Bridges, Oresund bridge, The, Work life, 1990-1999
Director Lars Westman, Fredrik Gertten
Screenplay Lars Westman, Fredrik Gertten
Director of Photography Lars Westman
Editor Niels Pagh Andersen
Sound Anja Petersen
Production country Sweden, Denmark
Domestic distribution DFI/Distribution & Formidling
Danish rating Allowed for all
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Production company Final Cut Productions, WG Film
Domestic distribution DFI/Distribution & Formidling


Direction Lars Westman
Direction Fredrik Gertten


Script Lars Westman
Script Fredrik Gertten


Executive producer Thomas Stenderup


Cinematography Lars Westman


Editing Niels Pagh Andersen


Sound Anja Petersen

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