
The Devil's Hand

Christian E. Christiansen, United States, 2014

86 min.Feature

In a closed religious society six girls are born on the sixth dag of the sixth month, and a terrifying phrophecy starts coming true: that on the girl's 18th birthdays one of them will become... the Devils hand! As that day approaches and one after one the girls begin to disappear, terror grows in the little community and the rest of the girls must join together and find out who or what is behind this nightmare.
Basic information Credits Materials
Original title The Devil's Hand
Danish title The Devil's Hand
Director Christian E. Christiansen
Appearance Rufus Sewell, Alycia Debnam Carey, Thomas McDonell
Production country United States
Domestic distribution Another World Entertainment
Danish theatrical release 21.03.2015
Cinemas Husets Biograf
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Production company LD Entertainment
Domestic distribution Another World Entertainment


Direction Christian E. Christiansen


Stills Fred Norris


Jacob Brown Rufus Sewell
Mary Alycia Debnam Carey
Trevor Thomas McDonell

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Reviews and articles

On the library you can find these articles and revies and other material about the film.
Type Source Author Date
Anmeldelse Berlingske Tidende Jacob Wendt Jensen 2015-03-21
Anmeldelse Politiken-Fonden Kim Skotte 2015-03-19
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