
Queen Alexandra's Arrival to Toldboden

Peter Elfelt, Denmark, 1902

1 min.Non-fiction footage

Alexandra (1844-1925), daughter of Christian IX, married in 1863 to Prince Edward (1841-1910), who after Queen Victoria's death in 1901 became King Edward VII of Great Britain and Ireland. She often visited Denmark.
Basic information Credits
Original title Dronning Alexandras Ankomst til Toldboden
Danish title Dronning Alexandras Ankomst til Toldboden
Keywords Royal family, The, United Kingdom, The, 1900-1909
Director Peter Elfelt
Appearance Dronning Alexandra
Production country Denmark
Domestic distribution DFI/Museum & Cinematek
Technical info 35 mm, 1,33:1, Black/white, Silent
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Production company Peter Elfelt
Domestic distribution DFI/Museum & Cinematek


Direction Peter Elfelt


Appearance Dronning Alexandra

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