
Empress Dowager Dagmar’s Arrival in Copenhagen

Denmark, 1906

4 min.Non-fiction footage

Maria Feodorovna (Dagmar) maintained a close connection to Denmark throughout her life. She escaped the Russian revolution, which wiped out most of the czar’s family. In 1906 she bought the villa ‘Hvidøre’ north of Copenhagen, where she lived until her death in 1928.
Basic information Credits
Original title Enkekejserinde Dagmars Ankomst
Danish title Enkekejserinde Dagmars Ankomst
Other titles Enkekejserinde Dagmars Ankomst til København 1906
Keywords Royal family, The, Empress Dagmar, The, Russia, Copenhagen, 1900-1909
Production country Denmark
Domestic distribution DFI/Museum & Cinematek
Technical info 35 mm, 1,33:1, Black/white, Silent
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Production company Nordisk Films Kompagni
Domestic distribution DFI/Museum & Cinematek

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