
Ernest and Célestine

76 min.FeatureChildren's films, Animation

A bear named Ernest befriends a mouse named Celestine in this gentle adaptation of the beloved children's book by author Gabrielle Vincent. Celestine is an orphaned mouse who lives underground. An artist at heart, Celestine is training to become a dentist when she meets cantankerous bear Ernest. Ernest has emerged from his remote woodland cottage in search of food and Celestine nearly becomes his breakfast. Instead of being frightened by Ernest like most mice, however, Celestine strikes up a friendship with the misunderstood giant. Before long Ernest and Celestine are inseparable, but can their friendship last in a world where mice have been taught to fear bears, and bears have been taught never to play with their food?
Basic information Credits Materials
Original title Ernest et Célestine
Danish title Ernest & Célestine
Keywords Friendship, Bears, Mice, Prejudices
Director Stéphane Aubier, Vincent Patar, Benjamin Renner
Screenplay Daniel Pennac
Producer Didier Brunner, Henri Magalon, Stéphan Roelants, Vincent Tavier
Composer Vincent Courtois
Production country France
Domestic distribution Angel Films
Danish theatrical release 28.11.2013
Cinemas Vester Vov Vov, CinemaxX, Empire, Atlas Biograferne (Rødovre Centrum) samt 6 biografer i provinsen
Danish rating Allowed for all
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Production company La Parti Productions, Les Armateurs, Maybe Movies, Mélusine Productions
Domestic distribution Angel Films


Direction Stéphane Aubier
Direction Vincent Patar
Direction Benjamin Renner


Script Daniel Pennac


Producer Didier Brunner
Producer Henri Magalon
Producer Stéphan Roelants
Producer Vincent Tavier


Music Vincent Courtois


Ernest Lars Brygmann
Celestine Iris Mealor Olsen
Voice Ann Hjort
Voice Bjarne Antonisen
Voice Henrik Koefoed
Voice Jesper Voetmann
Voice Liva Stehr Nielsen
Voice Lue Johan
Voice Mads Dueholm
Voice Oscar Dietz

Visual effects

Visual effects Eric Dupont
Visual effects Marie Maulet
Visual effects Marc Umé


Animation Michael Crouzat
Animation Stéphanie Haulet
Animation Gaelle Thierry

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Reviews and articles

On the library you can find these articles and revies and other material about the film.
Type Source Author Date
Anmeldelse Weekendavisen Bo Green Jensen 2013-12-13
Anmeldelse Berlingske Tidende Louise Kidde Sauntved 2013-11-28
Anmeldelse Ekstra Bladet jacob Oersted 2013-11-28
Anmeldelse Morgenavisen Jyllandsposten Katrine Sommer Boysen 2013-11-28
Anmeldelse Politiken-Fonden Soeren Vinterberg 2013-11-28
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