
Emperor Wilhelm's Arrival in Copenhagen

Peter Elfelt, Denmark, 1905

2 min.Non-fiction footage

The Kaiser was an unpopular guest in Denmark. Both for personal and political reasons, the Danish court did not want to have too close ties to the German Kaiser. But the Kaiser had a habit of inviting himself.
Basic information Credits
Original title Kejser Wilhelms Ankomst til København
Danish title Kejser Wilhelms Ankomst til København
Other titles Kejser Wilhelms Ankomst til Toldboden
Keywords Royal family, The, Germany, 1900-1909
Director Peter Elfelt
Appearance Kong Christian IX, Kong Frederik VIII, Kong Christian X
Production country Denmark
Domestic distribution DFI/Museum & Cinematek
Technical info 35 mm, 1,33:1, Black/white, Silent
Danish theatrical release 02.08.1905
Cinemas Kosmorama (København)
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Production company Peter Elfelt
Domestic distribution DFI/Museum & Cinematek


Direction Peter Elfelt


Appearance Kong Christian IX
Appearance Kong Frederik VIII
Appearance Kong Christian X

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