
Lion Hunting

Viggo Larsen, Denmark, 1908

12 min.DK/Short fictionAction, AdventureSilent films

Two hunters move through the jungle. They observe wildlife of various sorts: ostriches, a zebra, a hippopotamus. With a black servant as their tracker, they follow a trail. They camp for the night, but are awakened by a lion bringing down a kid goat. The lion also kills the hunters' horse. They shoot the lion, which is sitting out in the water. One hunter strikes a pose beside the dead lion and smokes a cigarette. The hunters spot another lion and shoot it. The lions are skinned, and their pelts are displayed to the camera. The hunters smoke another cigarette and offer one to the black servant as well.
The film is probably best described as a staged actuality. In Denmark, the making of this film received intense media coverage (animal rights crusaders, led by the minister of justice, tried to stop it from being made), and most spectators would have known that the lion hunt actually took place on the tiny island of Elleore. With some skill, the film weaves together material shot in several different locations: the hunters in the jungle were shot in a wood north of Copenhagen; the animals they observe were filmed at the Copenhagen Zoo (with the camera tilted downwards to hide the fences), and the lion scenes on Elleore.
Basic information Credits Materials
Original title Løvejagten
Danish title Løvejagten
Other titles Løvejagten paa Elleore
Director Viggo Larsen
Screenplay Arnold Richard Nielsen
Director of Photography Axel Sørensen
Appearance Knud Lumbye, Viggo Larsen, William Thomsen
Production country Denmark
Technical info 215 meter, 35 mm, Normal, Black/white, Silent
Danish theatrical release 11.11.1908
Cinemas Kinografen, Biograf-Theatret, Nørrebros Biografteater, Biografen (Gl. Kongevej 100), Napoli
Find more A.V. Olsen: Et kalejdoskopisk Tilbageblik,
Biografbladet nr. 11 1935.<br>
Politiken 31. okt. 1938, interview m. Viggo Larsen.
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Production company Nordisk Films Kompagni


Direction Viggo Larsen


Script Arnold Richard Nielsen


Cinematography Axel Sørensen


Jæger Knud Lumbye
Jæger Viggo Larsen
Sort tjener William Thomsen

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Reviews and articles

On the library you can find these articles and revies and other material about the film.
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