
Prostitution bag sløret

Nahid Persson, Denmark, 2005

58 min.DK/Documentary

The film unveils the lives of two women, Minna and Fariba, in a city in Iran. The women are neighbours, good friends and support each other. Both of them are subjected to the double standards that permeate Iranian society today. They make a living on the streets, where they meet their male customers. They have a choice between leaving their small children at home alone or taking them along when they have sex with various men.

The film, narrated by the director, Nahid Persson, who fled from Iran twenty years ago, portrays the women sympathetically and explores their everyday life and the way prostitution functions in a country, where it is banned and where adultery is persecuted, sometimes resulting in capital punishment.
Basic information Credits
Original title Prostitution bag sløret
Danish title Prostitution bag sløret
Keywords Family life, Islam, Prostitution, Substance abuse, Iran, 2000-2009
Director Nahid Persson
Director of Photography Nahid Persson
Editor Niels Pagh Andersen, Nahid Persson
Sound Svante Björnstad
Production country Denmark
International sales Cosmo Film A/S
Technical info 59 meter
DFI subsidy Konsulentstøtte
Danish rating Allowed for all
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Production company Cosmo Film Doc


Direction Nahid Persson


Production Jakob Kirstein Høgel


Cinematography Nahid Persson


Stills Nahid Persson


Editing Niels Pagh Andersen
Editing Nahid Persson


Sound Svante Björnstad

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