
Sarrasani A 375

Denmark, 1915

8 min.Non-fiction footage

The Sarrasani Circus was founded in 1901, reaching a patrimony of 400 animals (not pets, precisely) and hiring a similar number of artists and technicians, hosting troupes from the most distant and exotic places: Chinese, Japanese, Javanese, Moroccan, Hindus, Sioux, Ethiopians, Gauchos, Europeans, etc. Within this complex megalopolis, the Circus managed to sail through turbulent periods of this century emerging unharmed.
Basic information Credits
Original title Sarrasani A 375
Danish title Sarrasani A 375
Keywords Film Shooting, Circus artists, Nordisk Film, Copenhagen, 1910-1919
Appearance Carlo Wieth
Production country Denmark
Technical info 35 mm, 1,33:1, Black/white, Silent
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Production company Nordisk Films Kompagni


Appearance Carlo Wieth

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