
Flemming Ravn

(1947 – )

Title Year Function Category
Dyslexia - a hidden handicap 1981 Cinematography DK/Documentary
Turist hos sig selv 1981 Cinematography DK/Documentary
The Future of Telecommunication 1980 Cinematography DK/Documentary
Til death do you part 1978 Cinematography DK/Documentary
Icelandic style of building in the course of 1100 years 1978 Cinematography DK/Documentary
Guru Maharaj Ji 1975 Cinematography DK/Documentary
The Girl and the Dream Castle 1974 Still photographer, Camera assistant DK/Feature
The hottest show in town 1974 Camera assistant Feature
The municipality that changed face 1973 Cinematography DK/Documentary
Bedside romance 1973 Still photographer, Camera assistant DK/Feature
Fætrene på Torndal 1973 Camera assistant DK/Feature
Revykøbing kalder 1973 Camera assistant DK/Documentary
The depot playground 1972 Cinematography DK/Documentary
Go-cart 1972 Cinematography DK/Documentary
Six women in the kitchen 1972 Cinematography DK/Documentary
Tini 1972 Cinematography DK/Documentary
Homosexuals 1972 Camera assistant DK/Documentary
Bedside highway 1972 Camera assistant DK/Feature
Man sku' være noget ved musikken 1972 Loader DK/Feature
Skyldig - ikke skyldig 1971 Cinematography DK/Documentary