
Jeremy Thomas

Title Year Function Category
Only Lovers Left Alive 2013 Producer Feature
Kon-tiki 2012 Producer Feature
A Dangerous Method 2011 Producer Feature
Creation 2009 Producer Feature
Tideland 2005 Producer Feature
The Dreamers 2003 Production Feature
Young Adam 2003 Production Feature
Sexy Beast 2000 Production Feature
Brother 2000 Producer Feature
Little Buddha 1993 Producer Feature
Naked Lunch 1991 Producer Feature
The Sheltering Sky 1990 Producer Feature
Everybody wins 1990 Producer Feature
The Last Emperor 1987 Producer Feature
Insignificance 1985 Producer Feature
The hit 1984 Producer Feature
Eureka 1983 Production Feature
Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence 1982 Producer Feature
Bad Timing 1980 Executive producer Feature