
Thorvald Stauning

(1873 – 1942)

Title Year Function Category
Th. Stauning Folkets Søn - Danmarks Statsminister 1942 Appearance DK/Documentary
Statsminister Staunings Bisættelse 1942 Appearance Non-fiction footage
Dansk Film Revy 1941-1942 1942 Appearance Non-fiction footage
Prime minister Stauning talks to the Danish people 1941 Appearance Non-fiction footage
The New Town Hall in Lyngby 1941 Appearance DK/Documentary
Danmarks Konge Christian den Tiende 1940 Appearance DK/Documentary
Newsreel 03/1939 1939 Appearance Non-fiction footage
Denmark's Aquarium in Charlottenlund Palace Garden 1939 Appearance Non-fiction footage
Hans Majestæt Kongen indvier Næstveds nye Havneanlæg 1938 Appearance Non-fiction footage
News reel from Dansk Film Revy 1938/49 1938 Appearance Non-fiction footage
Three shootings from the Social Democratic Pary 1938 Appearance Non-fiction footage
Film journal no 15 - 1938 1938 Appearance Non-fiction footage
Agricultural Show at Bellahøj 1938 1938 Appearance DK/Documentary
Blaavand melder Storm 1938 Sig selv - forord DK/Feature
Denmark for the people 1937 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Prime minister Stauning on film 1936 Appearance Non-fiction footage
Danish Film Journal 1936A 1936 Appearance Non-fiction footage
[Postflyverne, Reklame for] 1936 Appearance DK/Commercial
Direktør Carl Bauder taler til Stauning 1935 Appearance Non-fiction footage
Opening of The Little Belt Bridge, May 14 1935 1935 Appearance Non-fiction footage
A sightseeing in Copenhagen 1934 Appearance DK/Documentary
Nordjysk Udstilling i Aalborg 1933 Appearance Non-fiction footage
The Opening of Aarhus University 1933 1933 Appearance Non-fiction footage
Opening of The Biological Institute of the Carlsberg Foundation 1932 Appearance DK/Documentary
The Watkins and Wegener Expedition arriving in Copenhagen 1931 Appearance DK/Documentary
The Watkins Expedition 1931 Appearance Non-fiction footage
Nordic Prime Ministers in Hamar 1931 Appearance Documentary
The great day 1930 Appearance DK/Feature
Jubilæumsfesten i Helsingør 1926 Appearance DK/Documentary
Elsinore's 500 years anniversary 1926 Appearance DK/Documentary
The filmjournal Denmark 14-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-31 1918 Appearance Non-fiction footage