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Antboy hits again
23. feb 2015. Ask Hasselbalch is upping the ambition in the sequel to his hit children's film Antboy from 2013 while sticking to his credo of meeting his audience at eye level. In Antboy – Revenge of the Red Fury,…
The Anguish of Looking Back
04. feb 2010. Louise Friedberg's debut feature "The Experiment" (working title) shines a light on a dark chapter of Danish history. Denmark, today a small, relatively peaceful country with an international…
The Danish terrorist
16. nov 2009. "The Accidental Terrorist", a documentary for young people, is a side-by-side look at two young men. They are the same age, from the same culture and religious background and they had the same…
Politics and emotion
02. feb 2009. It was a long road to a first feature for director Kathrine Windfeld. Struggling to get a foot in the door, she is ready to put big emotions into Danish cinema. "The Escape" is the story of a Danish…
Daring to Stick Out
01. nov 2008. Nanna Frank Møller’s "Let’s Be Together" is an identity story about a boy grappling for a foothold between genders and nationalities.
Portrait of A Class Society
01. nov 2008. Among today’s most sympathetic spokesperson for young Danes is Anders Gustafsson, Swedish filmmaker whose documentary, co-written and directed with Patrick Book, "Little Miss Grown-Up", underscores…
Two Danish Films Selected for Sundance
11. dec 2024 | SUNDANCE. Mathias Broe’s debut feature ‘Sauna’ and David Borenstein’s documentary ‘Mr. Nobody against Putin’ will premiere at the Sundance Film Festival which is one of the most prestigious festival events for…
To danske film udtaget til Sundance
11. dec 2024 | SUNDANCE. Mathias Broes debutspillefilm ’Sauna’ og David Borensteins dokumentarfilm ‘Mr. Nobody against Putin’ får begge verdenspremiere på Sundance-festivalen, som er en af de vigtigste filmfestivaler i…
Besir Zeciri is Danish Shooting Star in Berlin
11. dec 2024 | BERLIN 2025. The Danish rising star from ‘The Girl with the Needle’, ‘Way Home’ and ‘Wildland’ takes center stage at next year’s Berlin Film Festival. Besir Zeciri has been chosen as one of ten European actors…
Besir Zeciri valgt som Shooting Star i Berlin
11. dec 2024 | BERLIN 2025. Det danske stjerneskud fra ’Pigen med nålen’, ’Vejen hjem’ og DR-serien ’Fredløs’ får en fremtrædende plads på næste års Berlin Filmfestival. Besir Zeciri er blevet udvalgt som en af ti europæiske…