
Manners Of Downton Abbey


60 min.

What goes on behind-the-scenes to get the manners of 1900s Britain exactly right on Downton Abbey? Enter the world of English etiquette with host Alastair Bruce, historian, expert on royal ceremony and custom, and the historical advisor to the hit drama series.
Discover the secrets of how the aristocratic set dined and dressed, how they married and made money, how they interacted with the servants, and above all why they behaved as they did. Illustrated with memorable moments from Downton Abbey, the program is a treat for fans and anyone fascinated with the customs of early 1900s Britain.
Grundoplysninger Credits
Original titel Manners Of Downton Abbey
Dansk titel Manners Of Downton Abbey
Dansk distribution Universal Sony Pictures Nordic AB
Aldersgrænse Frarådes børn under 7 år
Vurdering Se Medierådets vurdering
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Produktionsselskab Universal Pictures
Dansk distribution Universal Sony Pictures Nordic AB

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