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Achilleshælen er mit våben
Jytte Rex, 1979
Painter and women's film auteur pioneer ("Veronica's Veil", 1977), Jytte Rex, in her feature's narrative form, "meticulously mirrors a female universe" (Theo Angelópoulos). The love relationship between Clemens, an escaped convict, and Maria is explored. The couple turn outlaw as their child is seen by Clemens as an obstacle to his lust for adventure.
Affæren i Mølleby
Tom Hedegaard, 1976
En afgrund af frihed
Peter Eszterhás, 1989
In their last year of high-school, a close group of youngsters finds out that their parents' guiding light and shining beacon, the great youth revolt of 1968, did not lead any of them to eternal bliss.
Afskedens time
Per Holst, 1973
Per Holst bowed as writer-director for his own production unit with this psychological thriller about a decent man who becomes the innocent victim of a company merger and who cannot face the music of telling about his firing at home. It does not lessen his burdens that he suspects his wife of being unfaithful. He takes refuge in dangerous day-dreaming.
Peter Watkins, 1977
England's ever-controversial Peter Watkins ("The War Game", 1966) wrote and directed this fictitious documentary in Denmark during actual ongoing military manoeuvres. He visualizes a state that is coming apart at the seams as people take to the streets in an ouverture to civil war. The government has the army move in when more sinister events occur, approaching anarchy, to prompt even more totalitarian measures.
Alt på et bræt
Gabriel Axel, 1977
Michael Kirkegaard, 1985
A self-portrait in the shape of a poem to life and nature. Composed of the dreams of the night and the memories of various experiences together with daily observations. A film with nature as its leading character and with the pace of nature as its rhythm.
Gabriel Axel, 1970
Ang.: Lone
Franz Ernst, 1970
Vargens tid
Hans Alfredson, 1988
In forestrial Southern Sweden in the 16th Century, Inge, a young nobleman, searches for Arild, his lost identical twin brother. In a story of mistaken identities, Inge is firmly believed to be Arild by a band of gipsies, one of them a girl who has already become Arild's great love. Inge is tempted to live the lie.
Bent Christensen, 1980
Following a nuclear power debate in Parliament, a shot rings out. Was the Minister of Energy the gunman's target? And who was the would-be assassin? Police and Secret Service come under pressure to solve the case quickly. In this clearly political thriller, implications of power abuse and trampling of citizens' right are rife, but one calm police inspector brings everything down to earth.
Babettes gæstebud
Gabriel Axel, 1987
A Parisian fugitive from the 1871 Commune of Paris uprising, Babette, a fine cook, is taken into the poor fishing village home of two puritanical spinsters who consider food beyond oatmeal almost sinful. When Babette by chance comes into money, she blows it all on serving up the ultimate gourmet meal for the dazed villagers. Based on the Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen) tale.