
The Indian Idol

Ubekendt, Denmark, 1915

37 min.DK/FeatureSensational films, Drama, ActionSilent films

When a dying patient gives him a statue of an Indian god, the doctor John Schmidt thinks nothing of it. He barely gets home before mysterious things start happening. A knight’s armour comes to life, a servant gets ambushed, and Schmidt’s wife disappears without a trace! The secret Indian society is behind it and will do everything to get hold of the statue.
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Original title Det indiske Gudebillede
Danish title Det indiske Gudebillede
Director Ubekendt
Screenplay Emma Pedersen
Appearance Anton de Verdier, Alfi Zangenberg, Tronier Funder, Ellen Rassow
Production country Denmark
Domestic distribution Kinografen
Technical info 850 meter, 35 mm, 1,33:1, Black/white, Silent
Danish theatrical release 11.04.1915
Cinemas Kinografen
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Production company Kinografen
Domestic distribution Kinografen


Direction Ubekendt


Script Emma Pedersen


John Schmidt, læge Anton de Verdier
Alma, lægens hustru Alfi Zangenberg
Dick Jackson, politiinspektør Tronier Funder
Mary, inspektørens hustru Ellen Rassow
Den gamle inder Peter Malberg

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