
Angel of the Night

Claus Bohm, Denmark, 1981

34 min.DK/DocumentaryPortrait films

About a generation of young artists and some of the thoughts they entertain on life and the future. The setting of the film is the night and the city of Copenhagen. At night we are away from the visible, illuminated surroundings and alone with ourselves and the essentials of life. The night is full of secrets and magic. The people of the film are trying to arrive at self-knowledge.
Basic information Credits Materials
Original title Nattens engel
Danish title Nattens engel
Keywords Copenhagen, Young people, Artists, Authors, Strunge, Michael, Poetry, Poems, 1980-1989
Director Claus Bohm
Screenplay Claus Bohm
Director of Photography Manuel Sellner, Henrik Sabinsky
Editor Peter Witt
Sound Lars Lund, Henrik Bøving Hansen
Composer Martin Hall
Appearance Michael Strunge, Lillian Pollack, F.P. Jac, Mai Brostrøm
Production country Denmark
Domestic distribution Statens Filmcentral
Technical info 374 meter, 16 mm, color, Sound
Danish theatrical release 19.09.1981
Cinemas Delta Workshoppens filmfestival
Danish rating Allowed for all
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Production company
Executive Producer Claus Bohm Film
With support from Aarhus Filmværksted, Workshoppen
Domestic distribution Statens Filmcentral


Direction Claus Bohm


Script Claus Bohm


Production Claus Bohm


Cinematography Manuel Sellner
Cinematography Henrik Sabinsky
Camera assistant Steen Dalin


Stills Claus Bohm


Editing Peter Witt


Music Martin Hall


Sound Lars Lund
Sound Henrik Bøving Hansen
Sound mixer Peter Witt


Appearance Michael Strunge
Appearance Lillian Pollack
Appearance F.P. Jac
Appearance Mai Brostrøm
Appearance Torben Voigt
Appearance Bo Green Jensen
Appearance Henrik S. Holck

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Reviews and articles

On the library you can find these articles and revies and other material about the film.
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Program i farve
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