The film describes the co-operative movement in Denmark and explains how it functions in practice in a range of important areas: production and export of agricultural produce, import, fabrication and distribution of farming equipment, fodder, and consumer goods. The film shows how a Danish farmer, Clausen, plays a part in the co-operative movement, which provides the commodities he needs and helps him to run his business and sell his agricultural produce. He himself is an element in the complex pattern that constitutes the co-operative movement of the time.
Basic informationCredits
Original title
The Pattern of Co-Operation
Danish title
The Pattern of Co-Operation
International titles
Le mouvement cooperatif Danois, Ein Beispiel für Zusammenarbeit
This film has been described as Theodor Christensen's "Denmarksfilm" (a genre that depicts national culture and society at a particular point in time). This is because of references in the film to Poul Henningsen's film "Danmark" (1935), and also an article Theodor Christensen had written a few years earlier, in which he suggested that it would be possible to make a Denmarksfilm that focused on a specific subject: for example, the co-operative movement in Denmark (Source: Film 48 no. 4, June 1948 - "Problemet Danmarksfilm" [The Problem of the Denmarksfilm])
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