
Bill Murray

(1950 – )

Title Year Function Category
Ghostbusters Afterlife 2021 Dr. Peter Venkman Feature
On the Rocks 2020 Appearance Feature
The Jungle Book 2016 Voice Feature
St. Vincent 2014 Appearance Feature
The Monuments Men 2014 Richard Campbell Feature
Hyde Park on Hudson 2012 FDR Feature
Moonrise Kingdom 2012 Mr. Bishop Feature
Get Low 2009 Frank Quinn Feature
Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties 2006 Garfield Feature
Broken Flowers 2005 Don Johnston Feature
Garfield: The Movie 2004 Garfield Feature
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou 2004 Steve Zissou Feature
Lost in Translation 2003 Bob Harris Feature
Rushmore 1998 Appearance Feature
Groundhog Day 1993 Appearance Feature
Mad Dog and Glory 1992 Appearance Feature
What about Bob? 1991 Appearance Feature
Quick Change 1990 Direction, Appearance, Producer Feature
Ghostbusters II 1989 Appearance Feature
Scrooged 1988 Appearance Feature
Ghostbusters 1984 Appearance Feature
Stripes 1981 Appearance Feature
Where the Buffalo Roam 1980 Appearance Feature