
John Price

(1913 – 1996)

Filmography Music
Title Year Function Category
Indenfor murene 1981 Appearance TV film
Gengangere 1979 Direction TV film
Elverhøj 1978 Direction TV film
Fruentimmerskolen 1978 Direction TV film
Jean de France 1977 Direction TV film
Barselstuen 1976 Direction TV film
Figaros bryllup 1976 Direction TV film
Kærlighed uden strømper 1975 Direction TV film
Den kyske levemand 1974 Hr. Basse DK/Feature
Den stundesløse 1973 Direction, Production TV film
Robin Hood 1973 Prins John - en løve Feature
Mascarade 1972 Direction, Production TV film
Tintin et le lac aux requins 1972 Rastapopoulos Feature
H.M.S. Pinafore 1970 Direction, Choreography TV film
Flagermusen 1969 Direction, Script TV film
The man who thought things 1969 Steinmetz DK/Feature
Tartuffe 1968 Direction TV film
En spurv i tranedans 1968 Direction TV film
Må jeg lege med? 1968 Appearance TV film
They all do it 1968 Musikprofessor DK/Feature
Juno og påfuglen 1967 Direction TV film
Valsedrømme 1967 Direction, Organizer TV film
The troll and the pixy 1967 Chefredaktør DK/Feature
I, a nobleman 1967 Revisor DK/Feature
Once upon a time 1966 Direction, Script DK/Feature
The neighbours 1966 Fabrikant Sandelund DK/Feature
Affæren 1964 Direction TV film
Bureauslaven 1964 Accesoren TV film
Enhver 1964 Djævelen TV film
Eurydike 1964 Faderen TV film
Tine 1964 Krigskorrespondent DK/Feature
En sjæl efter døden 1963 Mephistofeles TV film
Indenfor murene 1963 Appearance TV film
The duel 1962 Claes DK/Feature
Brønden 1962 Appearance TV film
Navigare necesse est 1961 Appearance DK/Documentary
Påske 1960 Direction TV film
Politikens filmjournal 131 1952 Appearance Non-fiction footage
Politiken's Film Journal no. 143 1952 Appearance Non-fiction footage
Mød mig på Cassiopeia 1951 Fjoget festdeltager DK/Feature
Alice in Wonderland 1951 Kålormen Feature
Berlingske Tidende 1749-1949 1949 H.C. Andersen DK/Short fiction
Hatten er sat 1947 Direction DK/Feature
Billet Mrk. 1946 Direction DK/Feature
What the old man does is always right 1945 H.C. Andersen DK/Short fiction
Sparrows Under the Roof 1944 Port-Sheiken DK/Feature
Familien Gelinde 1944 Bjovulf, kunstmaler DK/Feature
Naar man kun er ung 1943 Ole Lund, Komponist DK/Feature
Pinocchio 1940 Jesper fårekylling (1940-vers.) Feature
Champagnegaloppen 1938 Lindeman, musiker i Lumbyes ork. DK/Feature
Balletten danser 1938 Balletmesteren DK/Feature
Blaavand melder Storm 1938 Thorsten, Chr. Larsens søn DK/Feature
Kongen bød 1938 Appearance DK/Feature
Tinsel and gold 1935 Forfatteren DK/Feature
Rasmines Bryllup 1935 Marius, læredreng DK/Feature
Music Year Film Function
Rimonde 1943 Naar man kun er ung Piano
Rimonde 1943 Naar man kun er ung Singing