Title | Year | Function | Category |
Thorvald og Linda | 1982 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Scoring | 1982 | Distribution company | Feature |
Ciao nemi'co | 1982 | Distribution company | Feature |
Sådan er jeg osse | 1980 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Attentat | 1980 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Firmaskovturen | 1978 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Brand-Børge rykker ud | 1976 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Ta' det som en mand, frue | 1975 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Prins Piwi | 1974 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Dværgen | 1974 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Den kyske levemand | 1974 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Solstik på badehotellet | 1973 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Nu går den på Dagmar | 1972 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
The triple echo | 1972 | Distribution company | Feature |
Fright | 1971 | Distribution company | Feature |
Med kærlig hilsen | 1971 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Den forsvundne fuldmægtig | 1971 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Et døgn med Ilse | 1971 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Desertøren | 1971 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Det er nat med fru Knudsen | 1971 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Sex en gros | 1971 | Distribution company | DK/Documentary |
Skräcken har 1000 ögon | 1971 | Distribution company | Feature |
I, Monster | 1970 | Distribution company | Feature |
Hej Stine! | 1970 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Nøglen til Paradis | 1970 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Oktoberdage | 1970 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Ang.: Lone | 1970 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Joe | 1970 | Distribution company | Feature |
Mordskab | 1969 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Sonja - 16 år | 1969 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Kameldamen | 1969 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Kys til højre og venstre | 1969 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Den gale dansker | 1969 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Mig og min lillebror og Bølle | 1969 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Balladen om Carl-Henning | 1969 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
A dream of kings | 1969 | Distribution company | Feature |
Explosion | 1969 | Distribution company | Feature |
Dage i min fars hus | 1968 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Mig og min lillebror og storsmuglerne | 1968 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
De røde heste | 1968 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Candy e il suo pazzo mondo | 1968 | Distribution company | Feature |
Min bedstefar er en stok | 1968 | Distribution company | DK/Short fiction |
Oedipus the king | 1968 | Distribution company | Feature |
Brødrene på Uglegaarden | 1967 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Mig og min lillebror | 1967 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Den røde kappe | 1967 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Thomas er fredløs | 1967 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Tre små piger | 1966 | Production company, Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Krybskytterne på Næsbygaard | 1966 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Gift | 1966 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Ormen | 1966 | Distribution company | Feature |
Utro | 1966 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Landmandsliv | 1965 | In collaboration with, Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Alphaville - une étrange aventure de Lemmy Caution | 1965 | Distribution company | Feature |
Stenbroens helte | 1965 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Næsbygaards arving | 1965 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
4 x 4 | 1965 | Distribution company | Anthology |
Sommerkrig | 1965 | Distribution company | DK/Short fiction |
Kattorna | 1964 | Distribution company | Feature |
To | 1964 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Måske i morgen | 1964 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Kampen om Næsbygaard | 1964 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Heavens Above | 1963 | Distribution company | Feature |
Gudrun | 1963 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Sikke'n familie | 1963 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Sekstet | 1963 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Vi voksne | 1963 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Dronningens vagtmester | 1963 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Sammy going South | 1963 | Distribution company | Feature |
A gathering of eagles | 1963 | Distribution company | Feature |
À cause, à cause d'une femme | 1963 | Distribution company | Feature |
The leather boys | 1963 | Distribution company | Feature |
The Quare Fellow | 1962 | Distribution company | Feature |
Le repos du guerrier | 1962 | Distribution company | Feature |
Svinedrengen og Prinsessen på ærten | 1962 | Distribution company | DK/Short fiction |
Kort är sommaren | 1962 | Distribution company | Feature |
Dilemma | 1962 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Rikki og mændene | 1962 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Sømænd og svigermødre | 1962 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Der brænder en ild | 1962 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Mix me a person | 1961 | Distribution company | Feature |
Den grønne elevator | 1961 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Een blandt mange | 1961 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Far til fire med fuld musik | 1961 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Den hvide hingst | 1961 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Min kone fra Paris | 1961 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Une femme est une femme | 1961 | Distribution company | Feature |
Lola | 1960 | Distribution company | Feature |
I anledning af... | 1960 | Distribution company | DK/Documentary |
Tirez sur le pianiste | 1960 | Distribution company | Feature |
Panik i paradis | 1960 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Det skete på Møllegaarden | 1960 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Sømand i knibe | 1960 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Vi er allesammen tossede | 1959 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Paw | 1959 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Far til fire på Bornholm | 1959 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
De sjove år | 1959 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Kærlighedens melodi | 1959 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Les drageurs | 1959 | Distribution company | Feature |
Strafbataillon 999 | 1959 | Distribution company | Feature |
Les tricheurs | 1958 | Distribution company | Feature |
Buchanan rides alone | 1958 | Distribution company | Feature |
Verdens rigeste pige | 1958 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Spion 503 | 1958 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Far til fire og ulveungerne | 1958 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Pigen og vandpytten | 1958 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Vagabonderne på Bakkegaarden | 1958 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Sønnen fra Amerika | 1957 | Production company, Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Natlogi betalt | 1957 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Lån mig din kone | 1957 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Far til fire og onkel Sofus | 1957 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Bundfald | 1957 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Hendes Majestæt Dronning Elizabeth II's besøg og hans Kgl. højhed Prins Philip's besøg i København maj 1957 | 1957 | Distribution company | DK/Documentary |
Den kloge mand | 1956 | Production company, Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Vi som går stjernevejen | 1956 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Hvad vil De ha'? | 1956 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Et dieu créa la femme | 1956 | Distribution company | Feature |
Ung leg | 1956 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Far til fire i byen | 1956 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Taxa K 1640 efterlyses | 1956 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Den store gav-tyv | 1956 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Flintesønnerne | 1956 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Tre finder en kro | 1955 | Production company, Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Blændværk | 1955 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Min datter Nelly | 1955 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Far til fire på landet | 1955 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
John and Julie | 1955 | Distribution company | Feature |
Pane, amore e gelosia | 1954 | Distribution company | Feature |
En sømand går i land | 1954 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Far til fire i sneen | 1954 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Arvingen | 1954 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Far til fire | 1953 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Fløjtespilleren | 1953 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Farlig ungdom | 1953 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Cet homme est dangereux | 1953 | Distribution company | Feature |
Solstik | 1953 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Pane, amore e fantasia | 1953 | Distribution company | Feature |
Vejrhanen | 1952 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Det store løb | 1952 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Husmandstøsen | 1952 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Det sande ansigt | 1951 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Fodboldpræsten | 1951 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Som sendt fra himlen | 1951 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Det gamle guld | 1951 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
De røde heste | 1950 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Mosekongen | 1950 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Café Paradis | 1950 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Den opvakte jomfru | 1950 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Min kone er uskyldig | 1950 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Støt står den danske sømand | 1948 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Hr. Petit | 1948 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Familien Swedenhielm | 1947 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Naar Katten er ude | 1947 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Lise kommer til Byen | 1947 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Mani | 1947 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Stjerneskud | 1947 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Razzia | 1947 | Distribution company | Feature |
Hans store Aften | 1946 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Saa mødes vi hos Tove | 1946 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Jeg elsker en anden | 1946 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Affæren Birte | 1945 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Panik i Familien | 1945 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
De kloge og vi gale | 1945 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
De røde Enge | 1945 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Klingende toner | 1945 | Distribution company | DK/Documentary |
Ferd'nand paa Bjørnejagt | 1945 | Distribution company | DK/Short fiction |
Mit liv er Musik | 1944 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Bedstemor gaar amok | 1944 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Teatertosset | 1944 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Frihed, Lighed og Louise | 1944 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Ferd'nand paa Fisketur | 1944 | Distribution company | DK/Short fiction |
Det ender med Bryllup | 1943 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Ebberød Bank | 1943 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
En Pige uden Lige | 1943 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Jeg mødte en Morder | 1943 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
The lady of Burlesque | 1943 | Distribution company | Feature |
Captive Wild Woman | 1943 | Distribution company | Feature |
Afsporet | 1942 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
De tre maaske fire | 1939 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Wide open faces | 1938 | Distribution company | Feature |
Nothing Sacred | 1937 | Distribution company | Feature |