Title | Year | Function | Category |
La vie de bohème | 1992 | Distribution company | Feature |
Traberg | 1992 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Missä on Musette? | 1991 | Distribution company | Documentary |
Bian zou bian chang | 1991 | Distribution company | Feature |
Halfaouine | 1990 | Distribution company | Feature |
Poison | 1990 | Distribution company | Feature |
Dumhet eller brott | 1990 | Distribution company | Documentary |
I Hired a Contract Killer | 1990 | Distribution company | Feature |
Til en ukjent | 1990 | Distribution company | Feature |
Tulitikkutehtaan tyttö | 1990 | Distribution company | Feature |
How to survive a broken heart | 1990 | Distribution company | Feature |
Sangen om kirsebærtid | 1990 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Tong Tana | 1989 | Distribution company | Documentary |
Cha cha cha | 1989 | Distribution company | Feature |
La femme de Rose Hill | 1989 | Distribution company | Feature |
SER - Swoboda eto raj | 1989 | Distribution company | Feature |
Täcknamn: Coq Rouge | 1989 | Distribution company | Feature |
Leningrad Cowboys Go America | 1989 | Distribution company | Feature |
Nallar och människor | 1989 | Distribution company | Feature |
Bulten | 1989 | Distribution company | Short fiction |
Hush-a-bye-baby | 1989 | Distribution company | Feature |
Lilla syster kanin | 1988 | Distribution company | Short fiction |
Ariel | 1988 | Distribution company | Feature |
Malenkaja Vera | 1988 | Distribution company | Feature |
Helsinki-Napoli All Night Long | 1987 | Distribution company | Feature |
Hong Gaoliang | 1987 | Distribution company | Feature |
Min tomme er lom | 1987 | Distribution company | DK/Documentary |
Kolodnoje Leto '53 | 1987 | Distribution company | Feature |
Kolodnoje leto '53 | 1987 | Distribution company | Feature |
Pisma mertvogo celoveka | 1986 | Distribution company | Feature |
Frida, naturaleza viva | 1986 | Distribution company | Feature |
Do ma dan | 1986 | Distribution company | Feature |
Matador | 1986 | Distribution company | Feature |
Moi drug Ivan Lapsjin | 1986 | Distribution company | Feature |
Jimi plays Monterey | 1986 | Distribution company | Documentary |
Vai vegli but jaunam? | 1986 | Distribution company | Documentary |
Un hombre de exito | 1986 | Distribution company | Feature |
Idi i smotri | 1985 | Distribution company | Feature |
90 days | 1985 | Distribution company | Feature |
Priklyucheniya na malenkikh ostrovakh | 1985 | Distribution company | Feature |
Det bevæbnede paradis | 1984 | Distribution company | DK/Documentary |
Poterjalsja slon | 1984 | Distribution company | Feature |
Planet parad | 1984 | Distribution company | Feature |
Skazka o tsare Saltane | 1984 | Distribution company | Feature |
I sjizn, i slezi, i ljubov | 1984 | Distribution company | Feature |
Potomok belogo barsa | 1984 | Distribution company | Feature |
Bill och hämmeliga bolle | 1984 | Distribution company | Short fiction |
Glut | 1983 | Distribution company | Feature |
Loma - zabytyi drug | 1982 | Distribution company | Feature |
Muzhskoe Vospitanie | 1982 | Distribution company | Feature |
Smithereens | 1982 | Distribution company | Feature |
Sabine Kleinst, 7 Jahre | 1982 | Distribution company | Feature |
Laberinto de pasiones | 1982 | Distribution company | Feature |
Her ligger landet med grønne marker | 1982 | Distribution company | DK/Documentary |
Proshanije | 1981 | Distribution company | Feature |
Megall az idö | 1981 | Distribution company | Feature |
A zsarnok szíve, avagy Boccaccio Magyarországon | 1981 | Distribution company | Feature |
Postrziny | 1981 | Distribution company | Feature |
Agonija | 1981 | Distribution company | Feature |
Saltimbancü | 1981 | Distribution company | Feature |
Fantastisk tid | 1980 | Distribution company | DK/Documentary |
Trællenes børn | 1980 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Danmark i plastikalderen | 1980 | Distribution company | DK/Documentary |
Trællenes oprør | 1979 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Kocici princ | 1979 | Distribution company | Feature |
Sibiriada | 1979 | Distribution company | Feature |
Moskva slezam ne verit | 1979 | Distribution company | Feature |
Stalker | 1979 | Distribution company | Feature |
Bomsalva | 1978 | Distribution company | Feature |
Vejen til byen | 1978 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Trællene | 1978 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Angi Vera | 1978 | Distribution company | Feature |
Carodejuv ucen | 1977 | Distribution company | Feature |
One man | 1977 | Distribution company | Feature |
De 141 dage | 1977 | Distribution company | DK/Documentary |
Cetiri dana do smrti | 1977 | Distribution company | Feature |
Christiania | 1977 | Distribution company | DK/Documentary |
Noc nad Cili | 1977 | Distribution company | Feature |
Voskhozhdenie | 1977 | Distribution company | Feature |
Konec-Gorbunok | 1976 | Distribution company | Feature |
Vera Romeyke ist nicht tragbar | 1976 | Distribution company | Feature |
Tabor uhodit v nebo | 1976 | Distribution company | Feature |
Nordsee ist Mordsee | 1976 | Distribution company | Feature |
Belyj parohod | 1976 | Distribution company | Feature |
Katerina a jeji deti | 1976 | Distribution company | Feature |
Arvacska | 1976 | Distribution company | Feature |
Elvis! Elvis! | 1976 | Distribution company | Feature |
En bedre verden | 1976 | Distribution company | DK/Documentary |
Brutti, sporchi e cattivi | 1976 | Distribution company | Feature |
Cria cuervos | 1976 | Distribution company | Feature |
Printsessa na goroshine | 1976 | Distribution company | Feature |
Der starke Ferdinand | 1976 | Distribution company | Feature |
Cantata de Chile | 1976 | Distribution company | Feature |
La ultima cena | 1976 | Distribution company | Feature |
Der Fangschuss | 1976 | Distribution company | Feature |
Prikliucheniia Nuki | 1975 | Distribution company | Feature |
O amuletto de ogum | 1975 | Distribution company | Feature |
Jeder für sich und gott gegen alle - Die rätselhafte geschicte des findlings Kaspar Hauser | 1974 | Distribution company | Feature |
Szerelmem Elektra | 1974 | Distribution company | Feature |
Pohádky tisice a jedné noci | 1974 | Distribution company | Feature |
Suna no Utsuwa | 1974 | Distribution company | Feature |
Zerkalo | 1974 | Distribution company | Feature |
Den vita väggen | 1974 | Distribution company | Feature |
Hodime sek sobe, milacku? | 1974 | Distribution company | Feature |
Road movie | 1973 | Distribution company | Feature |
Il n'y a pas de fumée sans feu | 1973 | Distribution company | Feature |
En handfull kärlek | 1973 | Distribution company | Feature |
Vsadnik bez golovy | 1973 | Distribution company | Feature |
L' invitation | 1973 | Distribution company | Feature |
Das kühne Mädchen | 1973 | Distribution company | Short fiction |
Molcante doktora Ivensa | 1973 | Distribution company | Feature |
Tri orisky pro popelku | 1973 | Distribution company | Feature |
Solyaris | 1972 | Distribution company | Feature |
Il etait une fois un flic | 1972 | Distribution company | Feature |
Tschetan, der Indianerjunge | 1972 | Distribution company | Feature |
L' amour l'apres-midi | 1972 | Distribution company | Feature |
Mimi' metallurgico ferito nell' onore | 1972 | Distribution company | Feature |
Ani ohev otach Rosa | 1972 | Distribution company | Feature |
Ruslan i Ljudmilla | 1972 | Distribution company | Feature |
Sest medvedu s cibulkou | 1972 | Distribution company | Feature |
La salamandra | 1971 | Distribution company | Feature |
Ostrov sokrovisc | 1971 | Distribution company | Feature |
Per grazia ricevuta | 1971 | Distribution company | Feature |
Les assassins de l'ordre | 1971 | Distribution company | Feature |
Divka na kosteti | 1971 | Distribution company | Feature |
Sacco e Vanzetti | 1971 | Distribution company | Feature |
Warnung vor einer heiligen Nutte | 1971 | Distribution company | Feature |
On n'arrête pas le printemps | 1971 | Distribution company | Feature |
One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich | 1971 | Distribution company | Feature |
Még kér a nép | 1971 | Distribution company | Feature |
Proverka na dorogach | 1971 | Distribution company | Feature |
Nel nome del padre | 1971 | Distribution company | Feature |
Family life | 1971 | Distribution company | Feature |
Le souffle au coeur | 1971 | Distribution company | Feature |
Dodesukaden | 1970 | Distribution company | Feature |
Szerelmesfilm | 1970 | Distribution company | Feature |
Muldvarpefilm | 1970 | Distribution company | Anthology |
Korol manezha | 1970 | Distribution company | Feature |
Belaja ptica s cernoj otmetinoj | 1970 | Distribution company | Feature |
Le cinéma de papa | 1970 | Distribution company | Feature |
Osvobozhdenie I | 1969 | Distribution company | Feature |
Osvobozdenie II: Proryv | 1969 | Distribution company | Feature |
Brat'ja Karamazovy | 1969 | Distribution company | Feature |
O dragão da maldade contra o Santo Guerreiro | 1969 | Distribution company | Feature |
Dvorjanskoe gnezdo | 1969 | Distribution company | Feature |
Poema o tancah | 1969 | Distribution company | Feature |
A tanú | 1968 | Distribution company | Feature |
Zert | 1968 | Distribution company | Feature |
Les biches | 1968 | Distribution company | Feature |
Spalova mrtvol | 1968 | Distribution company | Feature |
Do svidanija gulsai | 1968 | Distribution company | Feature |
Ich war Neunzehn | 1968 | Distribution company | Feature |
Nikolay Bauman | 1968 | Distribution company | Feature |
Vojna i mir | 1968 | Distribution company | Feature |
Esli dorog tebe tvoj dom | 1967 | Distribution company | Documentary |
Anna Karenina | 1967 | Distribution company | Feature |
Komissar | 1967 | Distribution company | Feature |
Andrej Rublev | 1966 | Distribution company | Feature |
Bjerjegis avtomobilij | 1966 | Distribution company | Feature |
Ostre sledované vlaky | 1966 | Distribution company | Feature |
Jariskatsis mama | 1965 | Distribution company | Feature |
Vojna i mir | 1965 | Distribution company | Feature |
Perveyj ucitel | 1965 | Distribution company | Feature |
Vernost | 1965 | Distribution company | Feature |
Nasj dom | 1965 | Distribution company | Feature |
Akahige | 1965 | Distribution company | Feature |
Atentát | 1965 | Distribution company | Feature |
Lasky jedné plavovlásky | 1965 | Distribution company | Feature |
Gili-bili starek so starukhoj | 1965 | Distribution company | Feature |
Dvoe | 1965 | Distribution company | Short fiction |
Gamlet | 1964 | Distribution company | Feature |
Kawaita hanna | 1964 | Distribution company | Feature |
Ja sjagaju po Moskvje | 1964 | Distribution company | Feature |
Optimisticeskaja tragedija | 1963 | Distribution company | Feature |
Spjascaja Krasavica | 1963 | Distribution company | Feature |
Nikto ne khotel Unirat | 1963 | Distribution company | Feature |
Az prijde kocour | 1963 | Distribution company | Feature |
Bolshoi ballet, sekret uspekha | 1963 | Distribution company | Feature |
Az prijde kocour | 1963 | Distribution company | Feature |
Tjelovjek-amfibija | 1962 | Distribution company | Feature |
Dikaja sobaka dingo | 1962 | Distribution company | Feature |
Vivre sa vie | 1962 | Distribution company | Feature |
Ivanovo detstvo | 1962 | Distribution company | Feature |
Na sjemi vjetrakh | 1962 | Distribution company | Feature |
Skazka o konke-gorbunke | 1962 | Distribution company | Feature |
Dve zizni | 1961 | Distribution company | Feature |
Hrustal'nyj basmacok | 1961 | Distribution company | Feature |
Povest' plamennyh let | 1960 | Distribution company | Feature |
Attentat-zamach | 1959 | Distribution company | Feature |
Sterne | 1959 | Distribution company | Feature |
Sudjba tjeloveka | 1959 | Distribution company | Feature |
Bao lien deng | 1959 | Distribution company | Feature |
Rockets galore | 1958 | Distribution company | Feature |
Popiol i diament | 1958 | Distribution company | Feature |
Evgenij Onegin | 1958 | Distribution company | Feature |
Les sorciéres de Salem | 1957 | Distribution company | Feature |
Don Kihot | 1957 | Distribution company | Feature |
Ognennye versty | 1957 | Distribution company | Feature |
Karnavalnaja notj | 1957 | Distribution company | Feature |
Letjat zuravli | 1957 | Distribution company | Feature |
Tikhij Don | 1957 | Distribution company | Feature |
Sorok pervyi | 1956 | Distribution company | Feature |
Svedskaja spicka | 1955 | Distribution company | Feature |
Dvenadtsataja noch | 1955 | Distribution company | Feature |
Ovod | 1955 | Distribution company | Feature |
Anna na sjeje | 1954 | Distribution company | Feature |
Velikij voin Albanii skanderbeg | 1954 | Distribution company | Feature |
Vernye druz'ja | 1954 | Distribution company | Feature |
Romeo i Dzhzuletta | 1954 | Distribution company | Feature |
Mastera russkogo baleta | 1953 | Distribution company | Feature |
Stare povesti ceske | 1953 | Distribution company | Feature |
Koncert masterov iskusstv | 1952 | Distribution company | Documentary |
Smelye ljudi | 1952 | Distribution company | Feature |
Sadko | 1952 | Distribution company | Feature |
Komposita glinka | 1952 | Distribution company | Feature |
Bolsoj koncert | 1951 | Distribution company | Feature |
Der Untertan | 1951 | Distribution company | Feature |
Hakuchi | 1951 | Distribution company | Feature |
Mlodosc Chopina | 1951 | Distribution company | Feature |
Molodaja gvardija (1. del) | 1948 | Distribution company | Feature |
Molodaja gvardija (2. del) | 1948 | Distribution company | Feature |
Ehe im Schatten | 1947 | Distribution company | Feature |
Volga-Volga | 1946 | Distribution company | Feature |
Raduga | 1944 | Distribution company | Feature |
Ivan Groznij I | 1944 | Distribution company | Feature |
Ona zasciscaet rodinu | 1943 | Distribution company | Feature |
Aleksandr Parhomenko | 1942 | Distribution company | Feature |
Vyborgskaja storona | 1939 | Distribution company | Feature |
Pjotr Velikij II | 1938 | Distribution company | Feature |
My iz Kronsjtadta | 1936 | Distribution company | Feature |
Tsirk | 1936 | Distribution company | Feature |
Vjesjelye rjebata | 1934 | Distribution company | Feature |
Capaev | 1934 | Distribution company | Feature |
Novyy Gulliver | 1934 | Distribution company | Feature |
Oktjabr' | 1928 | Distribution company | Feature |
Burlesque on Carmen | 1916 | Distribution company | Feature |