Nordic Council honors Submarino

AWARD. Thomas Vinterberg's "Submarino" was announced today as winner of the Nordic Council Film Prize 2010. The official prize ceremony takes place in conjunction with the Nordic Council's Fall Session in Reykjavik on November 3.

Last year Lars von Trier's "Antichrist" stood on the award stand, and today was Thomas Vinterberg's turn. His "Submarino" was awarded the Nordic Council Film Prize 2010, the prize being shared between director and scriptwriter Thomas Vinterberg, scriptwriter Tobias Lindholm and producer Morten Kaufmann.

"Submarino is a tough but also deeply moving story of two brothers who are entwined by a fateful childhood."

The prize will be presented officially at Nordic Council's Fall Session in Reykjavik on November 3.


Press release
Submarino wins 2010 Nordic Council Film Prize 

Prize winners

The film prize was awarded for the first time in conjunction with the Council's 50th anniversary in 2002 and went to the Aki Kaurismäki for the Finnish film "The Man Without a Past". The Nordic Council Film Prize has been an annual recurring event since 2005 and has gone to Per Fly (2005) for the Danish film "Manslaughter", Josef Fares (2006) for the Swedish film "Zozo", Peter Schønau Fog (2007) for the Danish film "The Art of Crying", Roy Andersson (2008) for the Swedish film "You, The Living", and Lars von Trier (2009) for the Danish film "Antichrist". 

"'Submarino' is a tough but also deeply moving story of two brothers who are entwined by a fateful childhood," the jury states in its motivation. "The film is about brothers who have adult responsibility imposed upon them – and a child who carries a social inheritance but also the hope of a better future."

Interview with Vinterberg

"The film's environment is alien to me, but the story's grounding in parental guilt is very close to home," Thomas Vinterberg comments on the film's theme. "Submarino", an adaptation of a novel by Danish writer Jonas T. Bengtsson, was selected for Berlin Film Festival's main competition. 

Read interview with Thomas Vinterberg in FILM#68 Essential Bonds