The Danish Film Institute's Embassy Film Package

A Taste of Hunger, Zentropa, Photo: Henrik Ohsten.

Between 2010 and 2022 the Danish Film Institute (DFI) provided Danish Embassies and Consulates around the world with a selection of Danish films for both children and adults. However, in the new digital world of streaming and changing formats in the cinemas it became increasingly difficult to use the packages and create the intended impact with them. 

From 2023 the new Watch Danish Films website replaced the film packages. The packages and the new website has been made with support from The Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces (Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen). 

It is still possible to use the old Embassy film packages however, all contact has to go directly to the sales companies as the DFI no longer hold any rights or updated information on the films availability around the world. Contact info on specific films can be found on Watch Danish Films

The Embassy film packages contain films on Blu-ray only. These are subtitled in English, and most of the films have more than two additional subtitled languages as well. Please note that the languages attached to each film might differ, meaning that some films in a package may have more languages attached than others.