
Tal til mig

Anne Katrine Talks, Denmark, 2007

29 min.DK/Documentary

Karen is deaf. She gives birth to a hearing boy. Life with deafness has always been a challenge to her, and this new arrival makes her face a reality she has previously been prone to ignore. Scenes from a family dinner reveal that without help from Karen's sister Katrine, the gulf between the deaf world and the hearing world would be hard to bridge. But Katrine cannot live Karen's life for her, and Karen and her new son have to meet halfway somehow.

The film is directed by Karen's sister, Katrine Talks, and is a portrait of Karen and Katrine's close relationship. In it, Katrine's frank camera opens onto the deaf world, a world often misrepresented and often misunderstood. »Hearing Boy« shows this world from within, and faithfully describes its everyday drama.
Basic information Credits
Original title Tal til mig
Danish title Tal til mig
Keywords Disability, Siblings, Deafened, Siblings, Denmark, 2000-2009
Director Anne Katrine Talks
Screenplay Anne Katrine Talks
Director of Photography Bøje Lomholdt
Editor Anne Katrine Talks, Anne Hovad Fischer
Production country Denmark
Domestic distribution Danske Filminstitut
Technical info color
DFI subsidy Talentdok
Danish rating Allowed for all
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Production company Cosmo Film Doc
Domestic distribution Danske Filminstitut


Direction Anne Katrine Talks


Script Anne Katrine Talks


Production Anna-Maria Kantarius


Cinematography Bøje Lomholdt


Stills Bøje Lomholdt


Editing Anne Katrine Talks
Editing Anne Hovad Fischer

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