
Someone like Hodder

Henrik Ruben Genz, Denmark, 2003

84 min.DK/FeatureChildren's films

Hodder is nine. He lives on his own with his dad, who puts up posters at night for a living. One night a fairy asks Hodder to save the world. He starts planning an expedition, and asks the strongest boy in his class, Philip, and the cleverest boy, Alex, to join him. They say they will, but only to trick Hodder. Things become too much and Hodder escapes into his own world. Just as Hodder is about to lose touch with real life altogether, Philip discovers that he and Hodder have more in common than he thought.
Basic information Credits Music Materials
Original title En som Hodder
Danish title En som Hodder
Director Henrik Ruben Genz
Screenplay Bo hr. Hansen
Based on efter Bjarne Reuters bog af samme navn (1998)
Producer Tina Dalhoff
Director of Photography Bo Tengberg
Editor Miriam Nørgaard
Sound Nino Jacobsen, Morten Degnbol, Henrik Gugge Garnov
Composer Kåre Bjerkø, Frithjof Toksvig
Production designer Niels Sejer
Appearance Frederik Christian Johansen, Lars Brygmann, Birthe Neumann, Anders Lunden Kjeldsen
Production country Denmark, Sweden
Domestic distribution Nordisk Film Biografdistribution
International sales TrustNordisk
Technical info 2308 meter, 35 mm, 1,85:1 - Widescreen, color, DTS
Danish theatrical release 31.01.2003
Cinemas Palads, Albertslund Biograferne, Reprise Teatret, Gladsaxe Bio, Værløse Bio, BioCity (Tåstrup), Kastrup Bio, Baltoppen Bio 1-2, Gentofte Kino, CinemaxX, Empire, Kinopalæet (Lyngby) samt 41 biografer i provinsen
DFI subsidy Konsulentstøtte
Danish rating Allowed for all
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Production company Nordisk Film Production
Domestic distribution Nordisk Film Biografdistribution


Direction Henrik Ruben Genz
Casting: children Jette Termann


Script Bo hr. Hansen
Storyboard artist Simon Bang


Producer Tina Dalhoff
Executive producer Rumle Hammerich
Executive producer Erik Crone
Production manager Sanne Arnt Torp


Cinematography Bo Tengberg


Still photographer Erik Aavatsmark


Editing Miriam Nørgaard


Music Kåre Bjerkø
Music Frithjof Toksvig

Production design

Production design Niels Sejer


Wardrobe Ingrid Søe
Costume on set Helle Nielsen


Makeup Charlotte Laustsen


Sound Nino Jacobsen
Sound engineer Morten Degnbol
Sound engineer Henrik Gugge Garnov

Special effects

Special effects Morten Balling


Hodder Frederik Christian Johansen
Hodders far Lars Brygmann
Asta K./lærer Birthe Neumann
Filip Anders Lunden Kjeldsen
Alex Maurice Blinkenberg
Kamma Cecilie Egemose Østerby
Lola Trine Appel
Feen Anette Støvelbæk
Bagerdame Mette Agnete Horn
Filips mor Joy-Maria Frederiksen
Filips far Ole Boisen
Inspektøren Olaf Nielsen
William Ludo Al Agami
Big Mac Johnson Peter Lambert
Toastmaster Anders Lund Madsen
Træner Ole Thestrup
Stævnelæge Holger Juul Hansen
Skolepsykolog Hella Joof

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