Norwegian-Danish playwright Ludvig Holberg (1684-1754), inspired by Molière, wrote the wryly satirical, exuberantly funny stage comedy classic on which this film is based: Jeppe, a work-worn peasant drinks to forget and believes himself to be in heaven when jesters of the manor have bathed this unconscious body, dressed him up and left him to wake up in the Baron's bed. Once there, Jeppe almost at once turns into a tyrant himself.
Stine Monty: Arbejdsnotater fra "Jeppe på Bjerget". "Dansk film. Sophienholm", red. Stig Brøgger m.fl. Lyngby-Taarbæk Kommune 1981, s. 114-118.
Poul Malmkjær: Jeppe - sådan set. Kosmorama 152/1981.
Erik A. Nielsen: Den historie er guld værd. Levende Billeder 2/1981.
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