
Christian Schrøder

(1869 – 1940)

Title Year Function Category
Fuld af Fiduser 1956 Appearance Anthology
I de gode gamle Dage 1940 Købmand Huggetønde DK/Feature
En lille Tilfældighed 1939 Appearance DK/Feature
Blaavand melder Storm 1938 Fisker, der ønsker Jens tillykke DK/Feature
En fuldendt Gentleman 1937 Krofatter DK/Feature
Der var engang en Vicevært 1937 Mand med høne DK/Feature
Fange Nr. 1 1935 Portner DK/Feature
Kidnapped 1935 Nabo DK/Feature
Week-End 1935 Mikkelsen, gårdejer DK/Feature
7-9-13 1934 Appearance DK/Feature
Ud i den kolde Sne 1934 Den gamle Chauffør DK/Feature
Med fuld Musik 1933 Musikforlæggeren DK/Feature
Københavnere 1933 En husvært DK/Feature
In the Army 1932 Kaptajnen DK/Feature
He, She and Hamlet 1932 Evas far DK/Feature
Beware of the Girls 1930 Direktøren DK/Feature
William Tell and Son 1930 Onkel Teobald DK/Feature
Clever Cannibals 1929 Passageren DK/Feature
Strength and Beauty 1928 Direktør Brown DK/Feature
The Joker 1928 James, Mr. Carstairs tjener DK/Feature
At the North Sea 1927 Hellig Søren DK/Feature
The demon boxer 1926 Kok DK/Feature
Don Quixote 1926 Præsten DK/Feature
The Wolf Hunters 1926 Skræddermester Toft DK/Feature
Lykkehjulet 1926 Kunsthandler DK/Feature
Gentoftefilm 1920 Appearance Non-fiction footage
Den fattige Millionær 1920 Elses far DK/Feature
Love and Superstition 1920 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Nelly's Knights 1919 Jokumsen, pebersvend DK/Short fiction
Lace 1919 Humpe-Fritz DK/Feature
Amors Hjælpetropper 1917 Carl Bømler, grosserer DK/Feature
Den ny Kokkepige 1917 Appearance DK/Short fiction
A Lively Boarding-House 1917 Munter, rentier DK/Short fiction
Expeditricen fra Østergade 1917 Appearance DK/Feature
Studentens glade Liv 1916 Script, Appearance DK/Short fiction
Det bertillonske System 1916 Borgmester Bummelby DK/Short fiction
Arvetanten 1916 Rudolf Stratz, forfatter, Hans' fætter DK/Feature
En dejlig Dag 1916 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Confetti 1916 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The mid-night sun 1916 Gamle Wahlbeck, Fritz' far DK/Feature
En uheldig Skygge 1916 Appearance DK/Short fiction
En nydelig Onkel 1916 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Sommer-Kærlighed 1916 Grethes far DK/Short fiction
Swank 1916 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Hjertefejlen 1915 Rentier Holm DK/Short fiction
500 Kroner inden Lørdag 1915 Fabrikant Dupont, Jeans onkel DK/Feature
The Mysterious Flashlight 1915 Jersin, krovært DK/Feature
A Woman With a Past 1915 Barfleur, redaktør DK/Feature
His day's work 1915 "Spøgefuglen", permanent arbejdsløs DK/Short fiction
Zigøjnerblod 1915 Zigøjnerhøvdingen Fredo, Script DK/Feature
Moving Day 1915 Proprietær Lund DK/Short fiction
Helten fra Østafrika 1915 Appearance DK/Short fiction
En Kone søges 1915 Appearance DK/Short fiction
En Skilsmisse 1915 Clark, sagfører DK/Short fiction
Fred as a debutante 1915 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Carl Alstrup’s Love, ltd. 1915 Bobinet, skomager DK/Feature
Money (after Zola's novel) 1915 Busch DK/Feature
Jack's engagement 1914 Appearance DK/Short fiction
A false pretence 1914 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Another necklace case 1914 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Jens Daglykke 1914 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The Convict's Son 1914 Assuranceagent DK/Feature
Den kulørte Slavehandler 1914 Tom Bruce, detektiv DK/Feature
The silver snuff box 1914 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Søvngængersken 1914 Script DK/Feature
Told in confidence 1913 Direction DK/Short fiction
Ramasjang i Kantonnementet 1913 Direction, Appearance DK/Short fiction
A tiny advocate 1913 Direction, Script DK/Short fiction
Lægens Bryllupsaften 1913 Direction DK/Short fiction
Fred As Soldier 1913 Direction DK/Short fiction
The professor's travelling adventures 1913 Direction DK/Short fiction
Where is doggy? 1913 Direction DK/Short fiction
The colored servant 1913 Script DK/Short fiction
A skipper's story 1913 En storlyvende skipper, Script DK/Short fiction
An Orphan's Conquest 1913 Grosserer Munkebye DK/Short fiction
Behind the Scenes 1913 Appearance, Script DK/Feature
The stolen treaty 1913 Stærke Jon DK/Feature
A good idea 1913 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Privatdetektivens Offer 1913 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Unjustly Accused 1913 Michot, apoteker DK/Feature
Convict 337 1913 Baron von Silberstein DK/Short fiction
A Harvest of Tares 1913 Appearance DK/Feature
Atlantis 1913 Ingigerds far DK/Feature
Tom, the hero 1913 Script DK/Short fiction
The Ghost of the White Lady 1913 Appearance DK/Feature
John Takes Himself Off 1912 Direction, Jens, soldat, Script DK/Short fiction
Those Eyes 1912 Script DK/Short fiction
James the Hungry One 1912 Direction, Appearance, Script DK/Short fiction
An Occasional Waiter 1912 Direction, Appearance, Script DK/Short fiction
Brudegaven 1912 Direction DK/Short fiction
Fire at Sea 1912 Kaptajn Storm DK/Feature
A child of genius 1912 Impressario DK/Short fiction
His first patient 1912 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Dr. Gar el Hama 1912 Appearance DK/Feature
Bornholmeruret 1912 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Shanghaie'd 1912 Værten i cafe "New Zealand" DK/Feature
All in Vain 1912 Appearance DK/Feature
Faithful unto Death 1912 Aaberg, ejer af Central-Baren DK/Feature
The Clown's Revenge 1912 Appearance DK/Feature
When Love Dies 1912 Appearance DK/Feature
The Black Chancellor 1912 En bissekræmmer, Script DK/Feature
How to make a reputation 1912 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The Wheels of Fate 1912 Appearance DK/Feature
Christian Schrøder i Panoptikon 1911 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Soldatens glade Liv 1910 Mads, soldat DK/Short fiction
Fabian renser Kakkelovn 1910 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Kean 1910 Regissør DK/Short fiction
Koleraen Direction DK/Short fiction
Amor paa Spil Direction, Appearance DK/Short fiction
Christian Schrøder i Biograf-Teater Appearance DK/Short fiction
Murder will out Appearance DK/Short fiction
Tante Bines Testamente Appearance DK/Short fiction
Den stjaalne Politibetjent Appearance DK/Short fiction