
Kalle Bjerkø

Screenwriter, director. Born 7/7 1970. Holds a BA in dramaturgy from Aarhus University with a minor in film and media studies from Copenhagen University.

Bjerkø has written and directed several Danish TV productions since the late 1990s such as 'Drengene fra Angora,' (2004) Yallahrup færgeby' (2007), 'Jul i kommunen' (2012) and the Emmy-nominated mini-series 'Paphoved' (2013), which he wrote as well as directed.

He made his feature film debut as a screenwriter on 'Hacker' (2018) directed by Poul Berg.
Title Year Function Category
Hacker 2019 Screenplay DK/Feature
Valg i kommunen 2013 Direction, Screenplay TV series
Jul i kommunen 2012 Direction, Screenplay TV series
Yallahrup færgeby 2007 Direction, Alkoholikeren TV series
Stabat Mater 2005 Direction DK/Short fiction
Kisses 2004 Editing DK/Short fiction
Drengene fra Angora 2004 Screenplay TV series