

Laurits Munch-Petersen, Denmark, 2005

80 min.DK/Feature

A drama set in real time, taking place in only one location: an ambulance. The two brothers Tim and Frank commit a robbery to pay for an operation which will save their mother's life. When the police block their getaway car, the brothers steal an ambulance, but during the intense escape they discover - to their great surprise - a dying heart patient and a female paramedic in the back. The two brothers are thrust into the dilemma of their lives. Should they save their own mother ... or the dying patient?
Basic information Credits Materials
Original title Ambulancen
Danish title Ambulancen
Director Laurits Munch-Petersen
Screenplay Laurits Munch-Petersen, Lars Andreas Pedersen
Producer Tomas Radoor
Director of Photography Jan Pallesen
Editor Cathrine Ambus
Sound Morten Holm
Composer Peter Peter
Production designer Sabine Hviid
Casting Tine Miehe-Renard
Appearance Paw Henriksen, Thomas Bo Larsen, Charlotte Bidstrup, Helle Fagralid
Production country Denmark
Domestic distribution Nordisk Film Biografdistribution
International sales TrustNordisk
Technical info 2174 meter, 35 mm, Cinemascope, color, Dolby digital stereo
Danish theatrical release 15.07.2005
Cinemas Dagmar, Albertslund Biograferne, Drive In Bio, Gladsaxe Bio, BioCity (Tåstrup), Gentofte Kino, Bio Værløse, CinemaxX, Empire, Kinopalæet (Lyngby) samt 30 biografer i provinsen.
DFI subsidy Konsulentstøtte
Danish rating Allowed for children over the age of 15
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Production company Nordisk Film
Domestic distribution Nordisk Film Biografdistribution


Direction Laurits Munch-Petersen
Assistant director Jimmy Leavens
Continuity Anne-Marie Ubbe
Casting Tine Miehe-Renard
Extras coordinator Rosa Sommer


Script Laurits Munch-Petersen
Script Lars Andreas Pedersen
Script supervisor Anne-Marie Ubbe


Producer Tomas Radoor
Executive producer Kim Magnusson
Production coordinator: post-production Ronnie Fridthjof
Unit manager Jimmy Leavens
Production manager Anne Rudbæk
Production manager: 2. unit Claus Willadsen
Location manager Helle Jakowlew
Production assistant Rosa Somer
Production assistant Thomas Krogh Hansen
Production assistant Hans Bülow Ungfelt
Post-producton coordinator Britt Nellemose
Post-producton coordinator Glennie Pettersson
Post-producton coordinator Nanna van Elk
Production assistant Rasmus Heide
Production assistant: 2. unit Caroline Schlüter
Production assistant Frederik S. Halby
Production assistant Hjalte Rude Trangbæk


Cinematography Jan Pallesen
First assistant camera Bastian Schiøtt
Key grip Flemming Laybourn
Key grip Lars "Snitt" Weirsøe
Key grip: 2. unit Henry E. Williams
Video operator Thomas Krogh Hansen
VFX cinematographer Udo Smutny
Clapper/loader Andreas Iversen
Clapper/loader Mathias Vejen


Stills Thorbjørn Hansen

Electrical dept.

Electrical dept. Michael Wils
Best boy Jan Michael Jensen
Best boy: 2. unit Uffe Hanghøj
Gaffer Michael Wils


Editing Cathrine Ambus
Assistant editor Mora Rahgozar
Additional editing Mogens Hagedorn


Music Peter Peter

Production design

Production design Sabine Hviid
Property master Henrik Lischang
Assistant production designer Rie Lykke
Props Louise Lønborg
Art department runner Kaj Hammargren


Wardrobe Sofie de Mylius
Costume on set Grith Deleuran
Costume assistant: 2. unit Louize Nissen


Makeup Sofie de Mylius
SFX makeup Thomas Foldberg
Makeup artist assistant (2. unit) Marianne Ortmann


Sound Morten Holm
B-sound designer Lars Lund
Sound mixer Majka Bjørnager
Sound mixer Michael Dela
Sound mixer Christian H. Lund
Sound effect editor Peter Schultz
Foley artist Martin Langenbach
Dolby consultant Mark Kenna

Special effects

SFX Christian Kitter
SFX Mark Kitter


Stemme i politiradio Jesper Lohmann
Læge i telefonen Robert Reinhold
Stemme i politiradio Rikke Wölck

Visual effects

VFX Udo Smutny
Digital compositing Paolo Acri
VFX Justin Daneman
VFX producer Ronnie Fridthjof
Digital compositing Alexander Kucera
Digital compositing Karl Møller
Digital compositing Frank Thomas
VFX coordinator Toke Rude Trangbæk
VFX coordinator Thomas Øhlenschlæger
VFX coordinator Anne Katrine Nybroe-Nielsen
Color timing Dorthe Bankwell
Colourist Ronnie Fridthjof


Stunts Dennis Albrechtsen
Stunt Stig Günther


Tim Paw Henriksen
Frank Thomas Bo Larsen
Sygeplejerske Charlotte Bidstrup
Julie Helle Fagralid
Politibetjent Nicolei Faber
Patienten Torbjørn Hummel
Politibetjent Rasmus Iversen
Politibetjent 1 Lars Oluf Larsen
Politibetjent Mads Koudal
Far / motorcyklist Niels Andersen
Sygeplejerske Iben Miller
Kvindelig bilist Karin Rørbech
Amulancefører Laurits Munch-Petersen
Tømrer Lars Bjarke
Overlæge Leavens Kim Sønderholm
Ældre dame Annie Birgit Garde
Blikkenslager Mikkel Rosenberg
Kvinde med hund Kirsten Breum
Kvindelig betjent Kett Lützhøft Jensen
Mandlig betjent Morten Hebsgaard

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Reviews and articles

On the library you can find these articles and revies and other material about the film.
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Program - stumfilm & mikro